
Asthma Management Diet: Pulmonologist shares simple tips to manage the condition with diet | Health Conditions News

Asthma Management Diet: Asthma cases can be significantly worsened by certain environmental factors such as pollutants and allergens and identifying such exposures (dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold, etc.) allows minimization and thus, reduce symptoms of asthma.

Asthma management requires a holistic approach that address not just the physical aspects of asthma wellbeing but emotional and mental wellbeing as well.

New Delhi: Affecting millions of people across the world, asthma is a chronic illness that causes chest tightness, wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness. While asthma can be managed through medication, research has highlighted the importance of a nutritional diet and a healthy lifestyle, in terms of symptom management and general well-being. To effectively manage asthma, it is important to explore the role of nutrition and lifestyle adjustments in the treatment of asthma and understand how certain factors like diet, physical activity, stress management, and environment are important for asthma care and control.

How does diet support asthma management?

In an interaction with News9Live, Dr S A RAFI Consultant Pulmonologist CARE Hospitals Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, explained the role of diet and lifestyle in asthma management.

“Our food preferences contribute significantly to managing asthma, as it impacts inflammation, respiratory health, and immunity-related functions. Consuming foods that are anti-inflammatory, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, fish, etc may decrease inflammation and enhance lung function. In contrast, excessive consumption of processed foods, that are high in sugar and trans fats play a role in aggravating inflammation and eliciting asthma symptoms. Furthermore, ensuring a healthy weight along with a balanced diet can help the respiratory system function better and therefore, improve asthma control,” said Dr Rafi.

To efficiently manage asthma, certain key nutrients are of great importance. These include vitamin D, which is naturally obtained from sunlight and supplements. vitamin D is known to have anti-inflammatory benefits and might play a role in reducing the risk of asthma flare-ups. Additionally, magnesium, present in nuts, seeds, and green vegetables, aids bronchodilation and can help reduce asthma symptoms. Likewise, fresh citrus fruits rich in antioxidants like vitamins C and E, help improve the functioning of the respiratory system. Optimal water intake is vital for people with asthma as it aids with the maintenance of airway function and the mucous membrane. One must refrain from immoderate consumption of drinks high in sugar or caffeine as they can potentially worsen asthma symptoms and cause dehydration.

Along with improving dietary practices and preventive interventions, a few lifestyle adjustments can considerably influence asthma management. Consistent physical exercise, suited to individuals will help enhance respiratory muscles, the lungs, and overall cardiovascular health. Pursuing activities like walking, breathing exercises yoga can help reduce asthma symptoms and alleviate asthma flare-ups. Stress and anxiety can worsen asthma symptoms by contributing to airway inflammation and bronchoconstriction. It is essential to practice techniques that help alleviate stress such as breathing exercises. Incorporating these into daily routines can help reduce the adverse impact of Asthma. Furthermore, cultivating a supportive environment and reaching out for professional help if required, can help people deal effectively with Asthma and improve their overall wellbeing.

What are the causes of asthma?

Asthma cases can be significantly worsened by certain environmental factors such as pollutants and allergens and identifying such exposures (dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold, etc.) allows minimization and thus, reduce symptoms of asthma. Maintaining the quality of air indoors through effective ventilation and filtration as well as basic cleanliness can further reduce the impact of environmental factors on respiratory health.

Asthma management requires a holistic approach that addresses not just the physical aspects of asthma wellbeing but emotional and mental wellbeing as well. A well-balanced diet along with lifestyle changes does play a role in alleviating symptoms. Incorporating the various strategies discussed above will indeed improve the well-being of an asthma patient. By making these small yet essential changes, people with asthma can empower themselves to overcome the challenges they face and realize their long-term health goals.

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