
Weight loss: Man, 51, shares incredible 4st weight loss after diet plan change

One man lost more than four stone in less than six months by changing his diet plan and running regularly.

Gary Doolan, 51, noticed the weight creep over the years but decided enough was enough when his weight meant he struggled to tie his shoelaces.

After meeting a friend who had slimmed down by using a form of intermittent fasting, Gary came across The Fast 800, a plan founded by Dr Michael Mosley, which kickstarted his transformation.

He exclusively told GB News: “Years ago, I used to do quite a bit of competitive cycling, but I got injured and then my daughter came along and my activity levels had to change, so over the years, I put on a fair amount of weight.

The slimmer lost more than four stone


“I used to run and play football, so I was reasonably active, but when that all stopped, my weight went up to about 18 stone. I always knew that I wanted to get more active again and I wanted to go back to running, as it was something I loved. I tried various diets over the years, but nothing seemed sustainable.”

Gary used the diet plan that focuses on changing when you eat and offers healthy recipes, and noticed the weight fall off quickly. This also meant he could easily increase his activity levels.

He continued: “Having started in February 2021, by the summer of that year, I had gone from nearly 18 stone to 12st 4Ib. I couldn’t believe how quickly the weight came off and I found it so motivating to continue with it.

“It was then, in the summer of 2021 that I was able to get my running back off the ground. Because I was so much lighter, I found it really enjoyable, and I got very fit really quickly.

“In all honesty, the programme was just so intuitive and so easy to follow. It suited me immediately and I loved the flexibility and versatility of it. I particularly liked The Very Fast 800 Keto programme and I felt that it worked really well for me.”

The dieter explained the plan gave him more energy and he was able to run more. Running is a great way to improve fitness and burn calories.

He added: “I remember walking up Mount Snowdon and being about two hours up the mountain, having not eaten at all that day because I was still in my fast period.

“I remember having tons and tons and tons of energy and flying past people on my way up. I felt amazing. I remember thinking, the traditional advice is to have a big, hearty breakfast before doing anything active like that but for me, the fasting approach seems to suit me. I feel energised by it. You literally become a fat-burning machine.”

Since first losing weight, Gary has completed a number of ultra-marathons which has helped him to stay in shape, fueled by his diet plan.

He concluded: “Back in July 2022, I completed a five-day race in Spain called the Al Andalus Ultimate Trail. It was five ultra-marathons over five days in 43-degree heat. As you can imagine, that’s also brutal because of the temperature.


Man after weight loss

He now runs ultra-marathons


“Throughout 2023 I’ve done a few ultra-marathons, one in Manchester to Liverpool, where I won in my age category and the Wales Ultra. That was 55 miles in Southern Snowdonia, so that was very mountainous, and I finished top 20 in that one.

“Then a couple of weeks ago I did a 40-mile winter ultra-marathon around the coast of Wales. I’m due to do another ultra in March called The Tunnel, which is 200 miles inside a tunnel.

“Since joining the competitive running scene, it’s also opened a whole new social circle for me, which is great. I’ve met some great people and I love that part of my new life.”

Speaking on the transformation, Dr Mosley added: “The Fast 800 Member Gary has quite a remarkable story. After joining The Fast 800 programme, Gary lost 30kg and started exercising again. Having previously been unable to touch his toes, now, he runs ultra-marathons!”

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